Funny things you remember from your childhood

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The North
When I was about 8 or nine a group of us were climbing a large tree when one of our number fell out, headbutted the ground, and lay there twitching. Like the good boys we were we all ran off and hid. At the time it was scary, but looking back it makes me chuckle.
We climbed trees my brother fell out of one , we managed to drag him home ! frightening at the time , but as you say we all remember well even though my brother doesn't :smile:


Round the corner from us there was a wall you could just about get up & over, then you'd be on a sort of earth bank at the end of some old feller's garden, from which you could chuck stones onto the roof of his shed, making him run out of the house and shout angrily at you. What fun, eh?

Deleted member 26715

Loved climbing trees as a youngster, surprised really I never became a rock/wall climber


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Age 5 going into bathroom and seeing a strange man in there . Ran down crying to tell mum , however the strange man turned out to be my dad who had just shaved his beard off which he had since I was born , bastard ! Keep reminding him too :smile:
I shaved my beard off after several years and my girlfriend didn't mention it. I eventually asked her if she thought that I looked better without the beard and she told me that she had not noticed that I'd had one! :wacko:

That should have been a big hint that I was destined to become her EX-boyfriend! :laugh:


Legendary Member
Me and a mate Ian. First year in long trousers. Climbing over the tall railings......those about 6' high, long round spears with a flat bar near the top.
Anyway, I swarmed up, stood on the flat bar and jumped. Fine, no problem. Ian does the same and jumped only for the sharp spear to stick through his trouser turnup. I can still vividly see it as he just swung down and hit the railings face first. He was helplessly hanging there as I was totally in a heap laughing. I recall it took ages to lift him up enough to release him and then he dropped head first to the ground.

Deleted member 26715

Me and a mate Ian. First year in long trousers. Climbing over the tall railings......those about 6' high, long round spears with a flat bar near the top.
Anyway, I swarmed up, stood on the flat bar and jumped. Fine, no problem. Ian does the same and jumped only for the sharp spear to stick through his trouser turnup. I can still vividly see it as he just swung down and hit the railings face first. He was helplessly hanging there as I was totally in a heap laughing. I recall it took ages to lift him up enough to release him and then he dropped head first to the ground.
We do laugh at these things & I have always seemed to be lucky & got away without being too injured, son & his mate were mucking about on a playing field they'd have been about 17, his mate's 15 year old brother was climbing a tree nearby. He slipped & fell out of the tree, he landed across a set of steel railings with spikes on the top, they had to try to hold him up whilst the emergency services came, sadly the lad lost his life, son never talks about it, but I'm sure he still thinks about it.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Loved climbing trees as a youngster, surprised really I never became a rock/wall climber

I did take up rock climbing , maybe in lockdown I need to take up tree climbing again. It’s exercise, right?

We used to have waste ground out back of the house I was born in. We used to climb the trees in there and had all sorts of names for the bits we climbed like fireman’s scramble , the birds nest, where eagles dare etc.
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
My gran used to have a small Brown chair in her kitchen. She bought it second hand many decades before and every Sunday my younger brother and I used to race each other into her kitchen to try to get to the chair first so we could watch her making her usual Victoria sponge cake that she always made for our tea.

If my brother looked like he would win I would grab him and pull him back then race ahead to the chair.

After my gran died my mum had the chair and in the 80's my mum gave it to me much to the annoyance of my brother:laugh:. I still have it although for some reason it seems to be a lot smaller than it used to be.


Legendary Member
We do laugh at these things & I have always seemed to be lucky & got away without being too injured, son & his mate were mucking about on a playing field they'd have been about 17, his mate's 15 year old brother was climbing a tree nearby. He slipped & fell out of the tree, he landed across a set of steel railings with spikes on the top, they had to try to hold him up whilst the emergency services came, sadly the lad lost his life, son never talks about it, but I'm sure he still thinks about it.
I wont give that a like for obvious reasons but you are so right in what you say.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I wont give that a like for obvious reasons but you are so right in what you say.

I used to clamber about in the lower parts of trees but had enough sense not to go too high. One unfortunate local lad had more courage than sense and climbed to the very top of a huge tree and stuck his head out from the canopy of leaves. He fell right through the tree and was killed by the fall. :sad:
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