Here we go then, a place where I used to work had a guy named tugger, so called because he was caught in the toilets doing something other than work. 😅nice thread start though I can see the censorbot working overtime.
Here we go then, a place where I used to work had a guy named tugger, so called because he was caught in the toilets doing something other than work. 😅nice thread start though I can see the censorbot working overtime.
Thrush - an irritating little **** that won't go away.
I like that!Chap with bad limp and walking stick known as “snipers nightmare” .
Chopper - my nickname in the police because of my supposed resemblance to Mark Brandon Read.
Skip - I don't know why, but thats what everyone called him.
Captain Stand-by - the conteollermon put shift who'd tell us to standy by, and then forget all about us.
Chins - a fat copper who'd lost a load of weight and been left with flabby skin on his neck.
Dad - a copper in CID who was only about 50 but looked about 80.
Zippy - a security guard we knew who shut his nadger in his zip in error, couldn't free it, and had to be taken to hospital. We teied not tomlzufht as he did the elephant walk to the meatwagon.
microsoft word's spellchecker for years did something similar.One of my teachers was a Mr Clitheroe. His name was shortened to 'Clit'.