Funeral Music.

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My father in law's tune was some god awful thing that MIL picked. Thing is, she could hardly remember what it was, so I had to try and track it down off the internet and burn it to CD for the crematorium. Nobody at the funeral knew what it was. :whistle:


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
I have told Mrs B I want Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb.
Ironic, as well as being my favourite track.

Mrs B wants Sound of Silence by Disturbed.


Legendary Member
NE England
My missus wants a humanist funeral also. It seems we all talk about funerals. I suppose its inevitable really...
Having given up on religion in 1970, I'm afraid I get less tolerant of any kind of religion as I get older. Their self serving exploitation of people alongside their scandals, monetary and sexual, make me so angry I would be happy to see them all gone from our world. I want nothing to do with any of them, even after I'm gone. AND I know it will make no difference to me because I'll be dead and gone, no afterlife! That lie is only there to keep the poor and disadvantaged from rising up and solving their problems by taking over from the rich.


Legendary Member
Probably a little cliche, but it is undoubtedly a soaring masterpiece. And a great addition to any funeral.

For some bizarre reason they used to play Nimrod at school whilst we marched into assembly. Having been forced to listen to it every single morning for 3 years I hated the piece and would have to turn the radio off if I heard it. The play "Death and the Maiden" is about a victim of political torture being reminded each time she heard Schubert's piece of the same name as her torturer had been playing it, and hearing Nimrod had the same effect on me.
I recall we had a particularly dreary version of it too.

To derail the thread further, if you like Elgar, I can recommend his oratorio "The Apostles", particularly Mark Elder's version with the Halle orcheatra
Jewish funerals are quick, quiet, simple and standardised so you don't have to go making stuff up at the worst of times.
The sound that I remember from my mothers funeral was the hollow sound of earth being shovelled onto the coffin. Everyone puts three big shovelfulls in, non of this symbolic handful nonsense. The sound then turns to a dull thud as the cofin is covered and you really understand that they are dead and buried.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
My late wife specified a bit of Land of the Mountain and the Flood by Hamish MacCunn. The bit that was the theme music for the TV series Sutherland's Law.
I gave a CD to the Minister and he got it all set up on his player. By the time he got to it and started it up the CD had reset itself to the beginning and we got the wrong part which is pretty dreary rather than the upbeat bit we were meant to get.

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar
Jo. Hayden’s symphony No.93 in D major, second movement.



Eh up
Entry to Crem- St James Infirmary - Van Morrison.
Interim music - Family Tree - Venice
Through the Doors - Long may you run - Stills Young Band
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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Haven't we had this thread rather recently?

EDIT... yes, this is what i posted

I'm torn between choosing some bog awful maudlin sentimental crap that will annoy the feck out of everyone, or choosing songs i actually like.

If it's left to my brother or sister to choose, it'll be something like Shine On... by Pink Floyd (a song i can't bear these days, but my brother likes it) and some middle of the road crap my sister likes, Celine Dion maybe xx(.

What's the process.... one for them to walk in to, one to listen to during the service and one to leave to?

OK... this on a loop to walk into
and this for them to leave to...

since posting that... I watched Classic Albums: Bat Out of Hell and the 'piece of bog awful maudlin crap that will annoy the feck out of everyone' has got to be Heaven Can Wait... it makes 4 minutes and 40 seconds feel like forty minutes. And it'll be the one in the middle where they're neither walking in or walking out :smile:
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