snorri said:No one did a 90 mile round trip for weekly shopping until petrol became as cheap (in relative terms) as it is now. Petrol became cheaper, people travelled further to shop , local shops and travelling shops closed down, people then "had" to travel further to shop.
When petrol becomes expensive the whole process could go into reverse.
Did that happen? Was it cheaper fuel or the demise of the local shop and the growth of the supermarket and the choice it offered. I think local shops will only work if they sell local produce as well. What's the point of me using the local shop to get my eggs when they come from even further away than the supermarket eggs and yet there are small egg producers all around me, including goose eggs. I never see them in my local shop, nor the locally produced organic veg and all the local seafood goes to France in a bloody big truck - the world has gone mad.
I am also not of the opinion that we need to usher in the end of the motor car, more that the type of personal transport we use needs to evolve as well and it needs to start with their being some alternatives to having to use that 'personal transport', only then will incentives to make us do that, work.