Wee bit of a thread revival as I fear a public lashing for not searching enough and starting a new thread...
My front mech on my hybrid has seized after a long winter stuck in the big ring. Worst case scenario, if I take it off and can't get it working again is that I need to spend £25 and buy new. My bike is 3x8 and I've seen triple front mechs on CRC, some are 3x9, 3x10 but no 3x8. Surely it doesn't matter as long as it's a triple mech? I can't see how being 8, 9 or 10 matters to the front or does it?
You haven't said what groupset you are running, there are occasional changes to the pull ratio (how far the mechanism in the shifter moves) meaning that some FDs are not compatible with some shifters. Shimano have detailed compatibility charts, so if you let us know what you have, we can point you in the right direction.
As mentioned upthread, take the derailleur off, loosen the limit screws, and don't be afraid to put some effort in whilst trying to get it moving, be liberal with the WD40 and/or light oil, and once it starts, it'll get easier.