I started some nighting riding in country lanes in Suffolk last winter with a 530 but found on my first few trips that I couldn't see potholes in time going at any speed. A pair of Tesco 3w torches transformed the ride.
I then got one of the Dealextreme all singing all dancing ones which lit up the road like a motorbike headlight BUT a word of caution - the beams are are not designed for road use and even with the torch pointing well down, I found myself being flashed by drivers.
When I checked by propping the bike up in the lane by my house and walking down the road to look back at the light, it was obvious the top side of the beam (which was not visible on the road) was dazzling unless the torch was pointed so far down as to be no better than the 530.
I ended up making a small angled shield to go across the top of the lens cover, which improved things no end.