I'm still using my two Tesco Cree LED torches, one on each BLT Space Shuttle mount in conjunction with with two Edin Bike Co-op Revolution LED lights underneath on the BLT's.
The Revo LED's point slightly downwards and light up the road immediately ahead of me and the Cree's are angled to give me a clear view of the road further ahead.
Gives out a simply amazing amount/spread of light used in this configuration, so much so that it is easy to see car drivers actually think you are either a motorbike or scooter when they first clock you coming towards them, you can tell by the way they react. Likewise for when you are approaching/entering a roundabout. You see car drivers who would normally nip out in front of you in an unsafe manner, actually slowing down and stopping before entering the roundabout then realising you are cycling!!. I have to add that ( before anyone makes the comment!! ) the lights are set so they do not dazzle oncoming traffic.
I have been tempted this year to treat my self to a £150+ set of bespoke bike lights but I really can't fault my current setup so will stick with it for now. It was very inexpensive to put together, which was a bonus.