Front light

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Hi all. Im looking for a front light , bright with a good strong beam . i commute to and from work in the dark through country lanes with really quite high speed traffic, with lots of bends in the road. so looking for a light that will be seen by motorist from a long distance, as im fed up of oncoming traffic blinding me with their high beam on until eventually they see me, then as im sure you know, for a few seconds you've lost your night vision, and that can be quite scary on these wet, bendy roads. oh yea im not looking to break the bank lol . £20 or there about , is that enough ? I get confused with all this lunar talk...... be seen be safe thats all im after ;)
£20 is about the absolute minimum you'd expect to pay for a good front lamp. I'm a big fan of Cateye but there are plenty of good makes out there. As with most things, the more you spend the better you get.

Personally (and I ride on country roads too) I use two lights, one aimed at the verge and another which I aim further up the road.

The issue of being blinded by oncoming motorists' undipped headlights can be addressed by aiming your light directly at their eyes, but this of course means that you can't use your light to illuminate the road.

By far the best solution is to wear a cotton cycling cap adjusted so that you can shield your eyes just by dropping your head slightly.


Active Member
I have one, and aimed right (so as not to blind other road users) it creates a lovely floodlit road, and have yet to be passed by a vehicle that out shines my beam as it passeds me. My commuting buddy described it as "riding in to dawn" lol.
I was a little concerned that it may still be too bright for the road, so put some insulation tape across the top of the lens to create a beam "cut-off" so to speak. I also had my wife drive both ahead and towards me to give her opinion, and she said I could certainly be seen, but it wasnt obtrusive.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
the DX lights are a bargain , i use a very similar one and i can ride at full speed on the same sort of lanes.

Be aware they do take a while to come so you might need to look at another source for a few weeks till it gets here, you can get torch mounts and stick a normal torch on till it arrives.


cheers all for your tips and suggestions. much appreciated .


Active Member
I purchased one of the DX lights, took a month to arrive but unbelivable value,three options on the light, really bright,bright and flashing bright,the lamp is small and connects to the handlebars by the use of O rings, the battery pack is small and ive got mine fitted between the crossbar and the down tube,it comes with a charger and a headset, i think i paid about £29 and thats postage included,well worth it.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Your right crank there are plenty of lights about but the OP is on a limited budget and i think posting links to lights that are 4 times of more expensive than his budget might not help him much .

Yes we know that the likes of hope vision 1 etc are very good lights and could be better made and you get what you pay for but at the end of the day plenty of people on here are using the cheaper option and are very pleased with them .
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