GrahamG said:
Definitely need to be using over 2000ma - the higher the figure the better as it's in reference to capacity - I use 2800ma rechargeables for the fenix torch and they last very well indeed (for ref. I think standard duracells are about 3200ma).
One thing worth pointing out is that decent quality, high capacity rechargeables need to be looked after properly with a 'smart' charger - don't just get the cheapest plug in available as it just charges the batteries on a set cycle, smart chargers measure the remaining charge and time accordingly so they don't get over-charged which can reduce battery life. It means £15 instead of a fiver but it's well worth it.
I'll second that.
Tesco, would you believe, sell a "1 hour" charger for £20 which measures the battery temperature.
It pushes 2 A through 2100 mAhr NiMh AA cells until the cell's temperature has reached the limit, and then swithes down to a trickle.
It takes AA and AAA ( 850 mA charging current ) so is good for the AAA cells in the P7 lenser.
My digital camera is the ultimate battery tester.
Duracell Ultra Alkalines last 25 minutes.
2500 mAhr NiMh last about 45 minutes.
Any other batteries, Carbon cells and half charged NiMh last about 10 seconds.
I blame the 2Gb microdrive and its motors..