summerdays said:
So does Mr Summerdays - however they are twice the price of a single Hope 1
(unless you need to join the show-off's above
). They do come in more colours than the Hope 1's though - 1 charge a week lasts him for his 60/70 miles a week - don't know how much longer it would last as he charges it every weekend.
When I was doing regular rides in winter I found that a charge lasted around 5 days doing between 1 & 1.5 hour rides per night, length of ride varied depending on how cold it was

I never let them run down completely so there was still some life left.
What I really love about Ayups is if you drop them they dont break, you can take them off the bike in a couple of seconds and fit both the lights and battery in your pocket coz they are small & they dont get hot so no problem waiting for them to cool down to put them in your pocket and of course they are BRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
Yes they are expensive but worth it and I would buy them again, also after stopping selling them in the UK a while ago they are available in the UK again so no lengthy wait anymore.