I would like to know what you consider a non-pathetic bell.
I've tried all sorts and the old fogies can't hear them because the frequency is above what they are able to hear anymore.
Some sort of low-frequency gong would work.
I often call out "Ding Ding", especially when approaching pedestrians with/without dogs, walking ahead with their backs to me. Usually draws their attention, then a cheery "Thanks" as I pass.
Or approaching horses, call out "cyclist behind" and wait for them to steady the horse before passing.
Don't think I have had a bell on a bike for over 50 years.
Also with horses, I cover up my flashing front light as I pass, to avoid startling them.
Always got to assume that they are deaf (the peds, not the horses) or don't have road sense. This is something that annoys me on shared paths, when out of the blue, cyclists suddenly overtake from behind without slowing down. I am surprised there aren't more accidents.