A fine ride, thanks every one. I got a bit pre-wossname with my offer of the Pino to User10571, forgetting to consult HMQM, who quite rightfully was a little miffed that the Pino would be going but she wouldn't. But if a prospective stoker has the tendancy to oversleep, maybe it's for the best. (Trivia fans note: the last time the Pino went on an FNRTTC with a different stoker (the lovely Pippsy) User10571 overslept again. Hmm.)
Leapt aboard an LBG FCC service and found my own way to the start, taking in the Olympic sights. Aren't I clever? And off we went, at a fair pace. The promised head wind was rubbish as winds go, not seeming to affect our onward progress. The whizzy speed meant we were in Brentwood too early to see any tottery, although I did spy two blokes, who, drink having taken, were fast asleep on the verge. The lanes through Stock and beyond were, as noted elsewhere, an absolute delight. A lot of gently downhill pointing tarmac. A rapid stop in Maldon then the DZ express was off again at full chat toward Mersea. Chatter on the beach next to some camping snoozing canoeists then all aboard the Saucy Sue for the otherside. Our time constraints were gone, so we pootled a bit for the final miles. Last time I did this ride was two years ago, where we landed at Point Clear and rode through St Osyth and lots of little lanes. I prefer them to the rather A road-tastic finale of this year, but it's no biggie.
Breakfast was fast and good. Plus the bonus of watching crabbing. And the trains Just Worked, although the puzzle of people who arrive at Harwich and don't get off remains unsolved.