Will you guys be heading straight home or back to the pub?
Straight home.

As Loaf (anagram - 4 letters) has put in an appearance on this grand finale thread for 2014, I can only reminisce on the Manchester to Blackpool ride of 2011.
Such was the 'esprit de corps' among Blackpoolians that their tower escaped, during the hostilities of 1939-45, that they gave thanks via their shops:
That was a sortie. A select band returning to London encountered a variety of dogs, some roaming, some sitting and there was even some conversation. Under the guidance of Mistral and Adrian, we discovered the 'natural' world before us...we were All Shook Up, for sure.
We saw other sights apart from the local fauna and flora(was that her name, Adrian?)
There was even a Roy Rogers Breakfast tribute band to welcome Simon Bolivar to the breakfasterie.
But, to be frank, we were not impressed; wading through dogshit to get a pint was just a step too far...even if Frank was offered a buff of a very different complexion by the lady with the infant in the pram + the ASBO.
Thankfully, Adrian didn't take the piss too much on this ride - although I'm sure there''s a photo of him having one on the platform...