Friday night music is: Songs that remind you of your youth..

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
And this was always a juke box fave when I started drinking in pubs @15-16, I say that because I'm pretty sure it was the 77 version which wasn't released but led to the band getting a record deal and re-recording it in 78, I dimly remember trying to buy it but the bloke in the record shop saying "Never eard of em son" then a few months later it was everywhere


BTW it was only on one pub's jukebox in the village (choice of 9 pubs and 4 clubs in Enderby)

I've got an original 45 of that on vinyl. The guitar track is a lot better than the version that became more widely known, in my humble opinion. I think it's the one they played on The John Peel Show.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
This always takes me back to being about 8


Steve Peregrine Took went to my school.. Shooters Hill Grammar :becool:
So @Sharky rebuked me for dissing The Spinners. My brain went back to my childhood....
I went to St Saviours school in Ellesmere Port, a catholic school. Every now and then we’d get a visitation from Father Francis, his cassock, guitar and sandals. It was always excruciating. I can remember sitting in the assembly hall thinking that there had to be more to life and music than this...


did he do requests?


West Yorks


This for some reason got my attention on this particular episode of TOTP, it was the talk of the class at school on the Friday morning :wub:


When I saw this thread, TBH nothing really came to mind. Closest, Sugar Sugar by the Archies - first record I ever owned. Or Runaway, Del Shannon - I remember being enthralled by the falsetto for some reason. But this suddenly came on the randomiser and I was instantly back to my childhood with, as best I can remember, the first record I ever loved:

Friday night music is: Songs that remind you of your youth

Bobby Goldsborough ~ Summer, the first time..

also guilty of this:


My mum had it and it got played a fair bit when I was young.
I think playing it in the presence of anyone under 10 should be a criminal offence.
caution: contains angels.

Nice para from wiki gets it, including the "transfixed":

Today the song is sometimes dismissed or disparaged, its contemporary popularity notwithstanding. It has been called "innocuous pop",[11] "classy schlock",[12] more "dreadful" than Pavarotti,[13] and, hyperbolically, the "Worst Song of All Time" by a writer whose ambivalent antipathy left him "transfixed" by "one of the biggest songs of the year."[14] In a 2011 poll Rolling Stone readers ranked "Honey" the second-worst song of the 1960s.[15]


New Member
the Equals BABY COME BACK blaring out of the juke box in a big coastal amusement arcade that i briefly worked in at 17 in the late 60's, folowed closely by the Free Allright now.. those were memories and the weather was better too....will


New Member
Sitting in a London Hostel assoc hostel bedroom in 72 in NORF LONDON, smoking and listening to the DOORS, It was a wet horizontal rain blasting windows very stormy outside and Jim Morrisons rendering of the famous hit Riders on the storm came on, the three guys there all started about the first time they heard the Doors.. later that evening we heard for the first time LA Woman. still a fave for me after so many years.. memories.. will
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