Friday night music is: Cars and breakdowns.

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Has the memory of a goldfish
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Has the memory of a goldfish
Earl Scruggs, the best banjo player bar none.
I remember Ricky Scaggs, no mean picker himself, on his own TV show saying whenever he heard him he'd just want to throw his own banjo away.
I agree - he was the greatest... and there were some great pickers around. There probably still are.


Has the memory of a goldfish

American Grafitti!!
Still one of my favourite films, & quite a list of (future) stars!!
Richard Dreyfuss
Charles Martin Smith
Some guy, called Harrison Ford...…, as Bob Falfa; the driver of the black '55...…. which was also used in 'Two Lane Blacktop' (with James 'Fire & Rain' Taylor & Dennis 'Beach Boy' Wilson)

Probably one the few guitarists to be able to out-pick Chet!!!:notworthy:
(also possibly worth a mention here, due to 'Smokey & The Bandit')
Good ol boy...…….

I've seen him sing this, blending into it, from (Springsteens) Racing In The Streets

Now I'm a pretty big man around this town
I got me the hottest little Chevy around
My sweet little '66
She got a yellow front fender and a gray one on the back
But my income tax is comin' and I'm gonna paint her black
Sweet little '66
She got the 396, she got the four on the floor
And those stickers in the window ain't just for show
My sweet little '66

Now old Bubba and me built her back in '79
Then he went into the army so now she's all mine
Sweet little '66
I used to run her down on River Road and make a little dough
Can't afford another ticket so I'm laying kinda low
Me and my '66

Now she ain't too good on gasoline, she burns a little oil
But she was built by union labor on American soil
Sweet little '66
So when your Subaru is over and your Honda's history
I'll be blastin' down some back road with my baby next to me
In my sweet little 66

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