Friday night is predictably olympics music night

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Gravitationally challenged member
Scurrilous denigration from Frank Zappa (although much of it rings true, in my experience!)
Frank Zappa - In France

"If you're not careful, it sticks to your cheeks". That's one campsite I won't be going back to, although the squat toilets were, er, interesting*. Some wild or feral animal crept into our tent in the night to raid our food supplies, but cracked its head on the table when I barked at it from my sleeping bag. In Le Lion D'Angers, as it happened, but I doubt it was actually a lion. Wasn't going to get out of bed to find out. At least it didn't void its bowels...
*Alternative facilities were available, as I found out later.
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More wheels than sense
808 State - Cubik Olympic

Happy daze
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