Friday Night is Cider Fuelled Fnaar's Rubbish Music Night.

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Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
Die, thread, die!!!!
Look's like you've started something you couldn't finish Fnaar ahahahahahahahahaha.....:evil::crazy:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
At least they seem to have a sense of humour about it:



Not at all making any accusations towards Malcolm McLaren and also this is a brilliant record so not for this thread, but it seems it was quite acceptable for aged pop stars to lurk around schoolkids back then. Does this video seem a bit creepy? Shame as the record is just so good (so not really to go with the others on here).


That's brilliant! And no, nothing even slightly creepy about it...all the stranger given that our Malc could look sinister eating a bowl of cornflakes.
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