French put out Olympic flame ...three times

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New Member
Kirstie said:
How differently we feel yenners..:rolleyes:
I was proud to be british yesterday. The torch carrying turned into a 31 mile fight, just like the old days when protests were protests (I've been in a few of them too) The blue tracksuit chinese looked like arses. I am mighty glad that we have the right to protest here.

South African Embassy anyone. Anti-Aparthied demo? Great days.
Glad to see the students of today are getting off their arses for once.
So many police, shows where their priorities lie. Never mind the gunmen, muggers and villans, lets get the protesters and the motorists!!
Good for ACPO and clean-up rates!


Taking the biscuit
I'm with you Girofan!

The main thing is the torch relay was turned into and remains a shambles.
There is no way the Bodies concerned can demand it be a symbol of international unity while flying in the face of gross breaches in human rights and an expectation to be seen as a newly developed, civilised nation.
There's no smoke without fire...

Typically French - need a demonstration 'fixing' - pop! job done!
I think I might feel for the athletes who are muddled up with this scenario as they, above all who speak of the division between politics and sport etc etc, will feel the brunt of 'their country' withdrawing from the Games (if it comes to that).
If we are honest, the whole of this is political - and rightly so, as the exercise is a smokescreen created by the Chinese Authorities.(Not historically, I know - but in this instance)
Journey of Harmony - at what cost? It is going to be an expensive tour for the flame...


New Member
asterix said:
Non, pas du tout, je suis Gaulois naturellement.

Tres Bon! as a kid we spent all our summer holidays camping in Normandy, loved it, spending days on the beach at Dieppe and Le treport, eating Miko Glace (Yum), lunching on Moules et Frites, magnifique!

As an exchange student in the early 70's stayed with a family who lived in Blois, they had a holiday home Gite? in Compeigne, so I got taken there as well as a week in the Massif at Le Mont Dore, St Etienne, Clermont Ferrand. Love the country, very fond memories.

Sneakingly I have a respect for the no nonsense galic approach to life...Chapeau!:rolleyes:


Über Member
Slightly off topic but of passing interest, I heard recently that De Coubertin got the idea of the modern Olympic game from William Penney Brookes who ran a similar show in Much Wenlock in Shropshire years before. I knew it must be English:biggrin:


Legendary Member
Delftse Post said:
The "Olympic flame" per se was actually reintroduced into the modern Olympics in the 1928 Summer Games in Amsterdam.

Have you heard about the fishing boat owner who spent all his time in the pub?
A local wag renamed his boat "Olympic Flame" because it never went out.;)


Über Member
User259iroloboy said:
No or, Non if you prefer, are we to assume that you are a Frenchman then Asterix?;) I'm not defending what the demonstrators were doing, many of whom quite clearly weren't Chinese, not in London anyway, just the usual rabble of rent-a-mob, who will demonstrate against anything and everything, and are usually just generally anti establishment of whatever political hue.

You're a copper aren't you?


New Member
It's the US next for the torch. It's quite good fun following it around the world on TV. If the Chinese torch delegation had any sense they'd quit now and go and march round China with it where the good behaviour of the watching crowds can be guaranteed by the official thuggery of the Chinese authorities.


New Member
Dave5N said:
You're a copper aren't you?[/

Too good for me Superintendant ;)
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