On my rear wheel, there's a through-bolt. Taking the through bolt off is a bad idea as I've discovered as ball bearings from either end of the wheel can come spilling out! Now, for reassembling the wheel and putting it back on the bike I'm slightly miffed. On the through-bolt, there's a nut on one end that I can't budge or reposition. On the other end, there's a (A) ring washer that goes inside (protects the ball bearings) and then a large washer (B) that holds that in. A rubber boot (C) goes over that, at a final washer sits behind the boot. A nut threads on after that.
I'm having problems reassembling it all. (A) only goes in so far, and if I overrighten (B) the wheel no longer spins when re-attached to the bike. If I loosen B it does spin freely, but C doesn't cover the whole assembly leaving a gap which water could get in. Bad for the bearings potentially. Are there any videos or demos explaining how to put it all back together again the correct way? If this isn't a BSO I don't know what is.