frame not what i thought it was

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Cake connoisseur
frame sans forks is 2kg

Just found some info over on bikeforum from a poster named ollo ollo:
"In my experience (51cm-56 cm lugged frames), a bare frame in Hi Tension steel can typically weigh seven pounds or more. Reynolds 531, Columbus SL, Chromor, Aelle are in the 4-5 pound range."

So, whether the frame is 531 or not, it's still light :thumbsup:


Swinging Member
West London
1 kg is 2.2 lbs.

Unfortunately you can't really deduce a frame's weight accurately from tube set weight. The tubes are long enough for a 25"+ frame; on the other hand the frame has lugs, dropouts, filler metal, primer, paint etc.

However from various data I have seen (e.g. here) a standard 22" 531 frame should be around 2 kgs, perhaps plus or minus 15% due to all the variables. You might not have a 531 frame, but you definitely don't have lead pipes.

Further your fork's weight is also very close. My 531 fork, which I have owned since new, is 800g, but it has a long steerer since my frame is 25".


Über Member
That's a lovely looking frame.  As others have said builders don't go to that much trouble with rubbish materials.  I just hope your powder coater is better at that than at identifying quality.  He didn't happen to have another frame he wanted to sell you?


Über Member
just a quick apology for all the multiple posts. Been out using my phone and it seems every time i refreshed the page i was reposting!


Über Member
Afraid I neglected to take any snaps when I went to the LBS earlier - that's where it currently resides so unfortunately I won't get another chance until next weekend!

Imagine the frame shown in the earlier ebay link, but british racing green and a slight mottled effect on the front forks due to possibly poor quality steel or over-aggressive sandblasting.

Regarding earlier comments about weight, if great=5lbs and crap=7lbs, then I guess almost 6lbs means 'ok/good'.

Hey, it's my frame, it looks nice and maybe it'll do just nicely. I just feel bad about being possibly jipped by an ebay vendor. Guy at the powdercoaters wasn't trying to sell me something better ;)

My thoughts are at the moment ... give it a few months, if I can't get over what it is/isn't, then whip out the credit card or have a word with the bank manager and get something hand built and awesome, then learn how to disassemble and rebuilt a bicycle!


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
From the ebay pictures that looks like a very reasonable quality steel frame typical of the mid-80s. If it isn't 531 then I'd expect it to be in that league. It seems to have been built for everyday use rather than for all-out lightness but that is a good thing IMO!

I am bit perplexed about why you would first take the sellers word for its tube quality and then change your mind when the powder coater says otherwise? Is the powder coater actually a frame-builder who might know? I have bikes from 3 different custom builders and I would bet they couldn't identify every frame of that age they were presented with!

As others have said, the proof of the pudding is really what it rides like. My 1987 bike is quite heavy but rides beautifully.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
As others have said - nice frame, nicely finished. People get hung up about brand-name frame materials when the quality of build is far more important.
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