Well by 'definitely not British' I mean he said it's nothing like any Reynolds or Columbus tubing.
Sorry to have a moan, but I'm just getting quite down about the whole project. I wanted a bike that wasn't going to be too much of a compromise (although within what I could afford), I didn't want an off the shelf bike as I wanted something that was MINE, would last me for years and that I would love. Now I'm not sure I wish to proceed riding a bike knowing the frame is something I was cheated on.
Considering going back to the vendor telling him what I've learned and giving him three options:
1. Full refund, he gets the frame back albeit now stripped and powdercoated, I leave no feedback.
2. Half refund, I keep the frame, I leave no feedback.
3. No refund, he gets bad feedback.
Thing is it's his word against mine. I can't PROVE it's not 531 without sending it off to a lab to be melted down and tested!
The whole thing has become very depressing. Although it is that time of year when everything becomes very depressing!