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Deleted member 20519

I'll do a review on the mudguards soon. I got an email from Evans on Tuesday saying they'd been dispatched so they should be here soon!


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Check the small print on that. It may be that they quote a 6 month price but the small print says minimum 12 month subscription.
I resub every year under a different name, coat + hat covers the cost of the mag and i get somthing to read during lunchbreaks at work so i reckon i come out ahead what with the free buffs and odd bits i get through the year .


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
I resub every year under a different name, coat + hat covers the cost of the mag and i get somthing to read during lunchbreaks at work so i reckon i come out ahead what with the free buffs and odd bits i get through the year .

+1 the suscription is less than the jacket, plus id pay for the mag without the jacket


Active Member
Crud road racers fitted on the triban. Not the 15 min job I thought, took nearly 2 hrs! Rear fairly easy, needed to trim a little of, but fits well. Front, very poor clearance under the front brake caliper. Had to make some adjustments by heating a little with the heat gun and bending. Fits fine now, doesn't catch the tyre, but still not quite 100% central on the front tail, hardly noticeable though. Would have been a lot quicker to fit if it wasn't for the fine adjustments. They do look good, not had chance to try them out yet though.


Über Member
I had the mk2 which i took off this week when i bought my other (now gone) bike it had an attached sks which i much prefer
just taken delivery of this off wiggle only £1.75 with british cycling discount only thing missing is the electrolate drink but for the price its still worth it^_^ just ordering another box only problem ive got now is with all the free bottles(inlcluding my 3 high 5 which turned up2day)is where to keep them:laugh:
I offload mine to the local scouts


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
for anyone wanting to fit the Crudracer mudguards heres a video tutorial to show how easy it is to fit cant understand how rodderstrotter took 2hours mine only took about half an hour and no heating up of anything, should of watched this lol, not having a go mate,

I watched the vid before fitting my original ones and it still took me an age to get them 'just right'. I think it just depends on the frame and clearances.
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