Looking for 105 rear derailleur GS saw this at Evens Cycle for £28 in grey, same price at Sport Direct shame is a SS model.
Are you looking to buy one or just saying that you've found one which you say is cheap?
(Evans and SD are the same company, they also charge a fiver? for delivery and click and collect so you'll only get that price in store [which won't be at SD]).
Also, helpful to add a hyperlink rather than a picture
If looking, 11 speed? Merlin have GS for £42 https://www.merlincycles.com/shimano-105-rd-r7000-rear-derailleur-11-speed-117065.html (may find cheaper elsewhere)
Winklebury Way, BasingstokeMight be helpful to say where is 'local'![]()
Fitted a pair of these to the carbon to replace 23s (just about enough clearance!)
Roll very well for £40 a pair with tubes (albeit with removable cores)
12GB 5G Data/ Unlimited minutes / Unlimited texts / EU roaming - 30 day rolling contract - 1p/month for 6 months!