I should hope so or else what would be the point of living in Spain?
Precisely. I'm actually VERY scared if it gets a bit wet under the tyres. I went for a walk in the woods above town today, looking for singletrack. There are hundreds of footpaths crisscrossing them, but not all suitable for cycling unless you're a much more capable MTBer than me. I found a couple of tracks that I think I might try in the spring, when it's a bit drier. They looked far too slippy for me!
I also briefly saw some DH MTBers, as they flew past me. Forks so long and raked they looked almost horizontal, saddles right down on the seat tube, full face lids, and knee and elbow pads over the lycra (which did make me laugh after they'd gone because it looked a bit odd). I heard them coming, so I moved as far back as I could to get a good view as they came down. I'd been studying what I thought was a massive steep bit/almost a drop and wondering if I and my Cube could get down it in one piece (one day, after a lot of practice!), and they went over it as if it wasn't there. Then I carried on further up, and found the - loosely termed - path they'd ridden down. (The wet tyre marks on dry rock were the giveaway.) I was having to use my hands in some places to scramble over the rock. I can't imagine how anyone could ride a bike down that, but they obviously did. I've been trying to find something similar on YouTube, but haven't found anything to compare yet.
And on the note of me being a total wuss, here's a sample of my conversation with myself on yesterday's ride:
"Move over that way a bit, I don't like being near the edge .... I don't like sand much either .... or rocks .... What do you like, then? The road?"