For many years I suffered with foot pain (left foot) whilst cycling but also walking, often it was worse in hot weather and was diagnosed as Morton Neurom. Shoe inserts helped for a while but gradually became less effective. Cutting out slots on the side of my cycling shoes (s-works) to give the toes, or more exactly the metatarsul bones, more room or less compression, also helped but was frowned on by the fashion police. Last year I decided enough was enough and despite hearing some unfavourable reports of possible after effects went ahead with the necessary operation which was really no big deal. The surgeon removed about 22mm of nerve between 3rd and 4th toes and later showed me a photo of it showing the bulges which when compressed caused the painful discomfort. For about 6 weeks I had to wear a special boot which prevented bending of the sole and made me feel like Lord Byron but without being able to write poetry. Just over a year has passed and I'm glad to say everything has been fine and have managed 8000km this year which is modest by comparison with some but makes me grateful that I can do it without the old discomfort. Whether this is the solution for everyone I couldn't say, certainly wide-fitting shoes, really foot-shaped shoes, are a big help but a good doctor who is sympathetic to a cyclist's needs is the best bet. I have been very fortunate and hope fellow sufferers can get some relief in the future.