And I'll be in Brussels when you're leaving. I'll be getting a train up to the smoke just after noon, there are fewer services all weekend on account of big engineering work at Waterloo, so I'll be going a little earlier than necessary rather than sit on a slow train or risk cutting it short. Into Brussels 1905, I then have a 17 mile loop planned, before first supper at Fin de Siecle. After that, over to the Grand Place. Leave some rijsttaart for me
Looking forward to not having to get up at the crack of dawn, not crawling to Dover for over three hours, and not having to ride five or six miles back along a breakwater because some bridge or other is down. Eurostar there and back worked out a fair bit more expensive, but I'm leaving home four hours later and getting into Brussels three or four hours earlier than the train/ferry/ride/train alternatives, with far less potential for stress, so money well spent. I might look at switching back to ride/ferry for the return leg next time, but that's for another day....
Hopefully it'll as much fun as this evening was with my favourite musical Belgians.....