I'd heard Mice was channeling three small boys that day.
Ahem. Excuse me. For the record the local I spoke to that day was a) female and b) over 35 (by quite a lot). In his raconte of the ride, His Dellzeqqship said "Mice engaged two ten year old boys on scooters (what were they doing up at that time of the morning?) who led us to The Captain's Table". I didnt bother correcting DZ at the time on the basis he still had five more 2011 FNRttCs ahead of him to organize/take part in and if he did have any spare time amending his histoire seemed an unreasonable thing to ask. Silly me. Little did I think that many months later an inference would continue to be made. So peeps, please consider yourself corrected! I was only trying to help as it is unusual to arrive at the Coast on an FNRttC without a prebooked destination, tea on the hob, bacon butties on parade, beers at the ready.... and we were all meandering about a weency bit, desparately trying to avoid the previous years destination which I understood to have been a bit, well, shite. Gratitude? Pah.
Unless of course you mean that I was crossing the channel to Dieppe with a group of cyclists in which case that is no way to speak of Teef, Frank975 and AKA Bob.