For a couple of years the prices have been going up & up, thanks to cycling becoming more popular due to the Wiggins affect, the Olympics success and the extortionate price of petrol/insurance/road tax.
Bargains are still to be found tho. Rather than looking for a particular bike I just look at all bicycles sort by price lowest to highest and see what comes up. People may not know what it is they've uncovered after years of neglect in the shed or too lazy to type in all the details.
If the ad's abit lacking in the details I'd recommend viewing it first!
For £34 I ended up with two bicyles sold as a pair (lack of details, pick-up only and no one wanting a pair of bikes... bargain, so I thought)!
I only wanted the mens Motobecane Concorde (1980s town bike) but it came with an older Dutch ladies Vesting (single speed).
The Motobecane was too big for me! Gigantic frame

. But I just sold it for £50, which after new tyres, tubes, rim tape, a great 2nd hand saddle and eBay fees I've not made a profit or a loss, but I have given a bike probably destined for a scrap yard a 2nd lease of life.

Now to look at restoring the Vesting for my girlfriend.