I have been playing musical chairs with some of my saddles!
The saddle on my new (to me - actually secondhand) 'Devon bike' was ok for a few hours but painful on all day rides so I put a spare Planet X saddle on. I have put the saddle from the Devon bike on my turbo trainer bike. The saddle from the TT bike never suited me. It is a 'classic' San Marco Rolls. Some people love them, some hate them; I'm a hater!
So, I have a Rolls surplus to requirements... I quickly checked and the cheapest I found them was £69 at Spa Cycles. I was going to offer it for sale at £40 for a decent saving, but I took a closer look and it is
not in mint condition. It has a scuff on the back on the RHS. It's the kind of thing that saddles tend to get after being leaned against a few cafe stop walls!
While taking
that photo I spotted a scratch on the top of the saddle which was pretty subtle so I hadn't previously noticed it.
It's a perfectly functional saddle and if it suited my bum I wouldn't be bothered by the slight cosmetic damage, but I thought I would knock another fiver off for that. That would make the price £35 if I had to post the saddle, but then it occurred to me that one of you might be interested, in which case the price would be £30, delivered in person...
Post below if you want the saddle at that price. First come first served! You will either have to nip back to your vehicle before we set off, or carry it with you all day. I won't want to carry it for 100 miles!
There is now a question mark over whether I can ride as my wife may have to work on Saturday and if she does, I’ll need to look after the kids. I’ll keep you posted.
I hope that you
can make it, but if not, catch you another time!