Flashing LED Armbands

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I passed one tonight with 8 of them - obviously 2 Aldi packs/8 Poundland ones. He had two on each arm and two on each leg. Plus 3 rear lights, hi-viz jacket and trousers and an extra light on the back of his helmet.

From my perspective, that's overkill :blush:

Me, a Cateye 5 LED light and Hump rucksack cover has to do.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I passed one tonight with 8 of them - obviously 2 Aldi packs/8 Poundland ones. He had two on each arm and two on each leg. Plus 3 rear lights, hi-viz jacket and trousers and an extra light on the back of his helmet.

From my perspective, that's overkill :blush:

Me, a Cateye 5 LED light and Hump rucksack cover has to do.

Depends on what roads you ride on , maybe a few less armbands but i ride on completely dark unlit lanes i i currently have ...

Smart r2 on the seat post
1 smart 7 led rear light on each pannier
panniers have reflective trim
rack as reflective stickers on it
windproof with reflective trim
aldi arm bands ( only 1 per arm )
Helmet has reflective stickers on the back + a back up flasher on top

On the front
Magicshine 900 lumen
100 lumen torch/flasher

About to dig out some spoke reflectors and install them.

All i know is i do noit get a single close overtake................. yet .


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
I would get fed up with it taking 15 mins to get ready to go home after work !

I can thankfully leave my battery pack on the bike, as it's overlooked & very close to the office, but previously, I have had to get changed into my cycle gear and

1. strap on a rack pack
2. clip on 2 rear lights
3. clip on front flasher light
4. start off the flashing armband on back of helmet
5. clip on & hitch up the twin light front light thingy, and strap the battery pack on the frame
6. unlock the bike.

Having done all that after a days' work I barely have the energy to cycle home !
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