Fixed my first puncture!

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New Member
Well done!

I suffered a puncture on my first day cycling in to work last week. It took me all of my lunch break & more to fix it, LOL!

At least I know now always to carry a spare innertube, repair kit, and pump now.


New Member
Well done - but what is a cycleair is it a pump?



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Cathryn said:
Yippeeee...Bonj says I fixed my puncture.

Yes, but bonj says a zonkey doesn't exist...

No, I'm sorry, I'm splitting hairs. The important thing is you had a problem, you fixed it, and got on again. Before you know it, you'll be stopping alongside less experienced cyclists and offering help, which makes you feel really good!*

*as long as you don't get over confident, offer to fix their bottom bracket, take the whole bike apart and then find you can't get it back together. At this point, the ability to ride off really fast is quite useful...**

**this hasn't happened to me, BTW, it's just a made up situation...

For the ultimate in meddling cycle repairers, read Three Men on a Bummel by Jerome K Jerome - the same three men as In a Boat. There are some classic moments which show that in some ways the experience of cycling hasn't really changed in 100 years.. Very funny.


Three Men on a Bummel by Jerome K Jerome
Read for the first time well over 40 years ago. Amazing how, as you read, you can identify the 'George' and 'Harris' in your life. I, of course, note that 'J' and I share the same stirling qualities :blush:

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Your next mission, Cathryn, should you decide to accept it, is to do a BB change...this handlebar tape will self destruct in five seconds.


New Member
I fixed my first puncture when I was eight to avoid the mile and a half walk home from school. I was shown how to do it about then and it didn't and doesn't seem a difficult thing to do.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Well I could do it when I was seven and threequarters because they showed us step by step on Blue Peter. This was one of the earliest occaisions I got great value from the BBC. It saved me having to cycle two miles home past caves of dangerous monsters.

So ner dee ner ner ner.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
I'm impressed Cathryn, well done! OK, with your and Waffle's recommendations, I'll order a cyclaire and give it a go.

I too like to patch my tubes and reuse them. It's not expensive to just replace tubes, but it's not very environmentally friendly either.


bonj said:
but apparently there's also some people that take it into a bike shop and WAIT A WEEK for it...

well MY LBS used to do it in a couple of days, so there! :biggrin:

oh xx(

but I've learned to do it myself now too :biggrin:


New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
I always carry a spare inner tube and a patch kit. I also carry a can of GEAX tyre weld .....its magic in a small tin. Inflates the tyre and seals the puncture without even having to take the tyre off. I only use this in an extreme emergency though as its about 8 quid a pop. But its worth it if like me it is essential that you get to work on time.
got-to-get-fit said:
But its worth it if like me it is essential that you get to work on time.

<bonj mode> What do you do that makes you think your job is so bloody important? <end of bonj mode> ;):smile:

Just curious, really, only cos I try and eliminate 'essential' things in my life, apart from the bleedin' obvious, of course! :sad:


New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
its not really life a manager for a Petrochemicals site, i also work shifts so if im late then the manager who im relieving is going to be late ....and after he has worked a 12 hr shift its a bit of a bar steward if im late into work.

Also my commute takes me through a particularly rough area where the local kids idea of fun is standing on the pavement with a golf club and trying to hit rocks at passing cars.......they do appreciate nice bikes though, as they have screamed "oi self-gratification artist im gonna ave that fooking bike off you" as ive rode past the adorable little tykes. So as you can see it would not fill me with delight to get a puncture here and have to start stripping a wheel down.


New Member
the moon
got-to-get-fit said:
its not really life a manager for a Petrochemicals site, i also work shifts so if im late then the manager who im relieving is going to be late ....and after he has worked a 12 hr shift its a bit of a bar steward if im late into work.

Also my commute takes me through a particularly rough area where the local kids idea of fun is standing on the pavement with a golf club and trying to hit rocks at passing cars.......they do appreciate nice bikes though, as they have screamed "oi self-gratification artist im gonna ave that fooking bike off you" as ive rode past the adorable little tykes. So as you can see it would not fill me with delight to get a puncture here and have to start stripping a wheel down.

Don't you just love the youth of today:evil:
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