Cathryn said:
Yippeeee...Bonj says I fixed my puncture.
Yes, but bonj says a zonkey doesn't exist...
No, I'm sorry, I'm splitting hairs. The important thing is you had a problem, you fixed it, and got on again. Before you know it, you'll be stopping alongside less experienced cyclists and offering help, which makes you feel really good!*
*as long as you don't get over confident, offer to fix their bottom bracket, take the whole bike apart and then find you can't get it back together. At this point, the ability to ride off really fast is quite useful...**
**this hasn't happened to me, BTW, it's just a made up situation...
For the ultimate in meddling cycle repairers, read Three Men on a Bummel by Jerome K Jerome - the same three men as In a Boat. There are some classic moments which show that in some ways the experience of cycling hasn't really changed in 100 years.. Very funny.