Taking the biscuit
- Location
- SE London, Bandit Country
Simple rule of thumb, don't use anything with 'Loctite' on the tube/tin if you want to undo a bolt ever again without any bother. 

tdr1nka said:Simple rule of thumb, don't use anything with 'Loctite' on the tube/tin if you want to undo a bolt ever again without any bother.![]()
Proto said:Tea Drinker is talking rubbish. Use the correct grade of Loctite (there are lots) and you won't have a problem.
tdr1nka said:It was a joke btw.
Anyway yes, there are different grades of Loctite but many, newbies especially, are not necessarily party to that info.
From experience of working on cars and bikes, some 'threadlock's' can be a nightmare to shift without decent tools and a decent place to work, eg; pref with a bench or work stand and a vice.
For the standard fettle in the hall @ home, a light brush of the the bolt thread with copper grease and tightening to the appropriate torque should really be enough.
If there is a real need to lock the thread, eg; your bolts are working loose, then the threads may be worn, have been cross threaded or even the bolt slightly the wrong size.
Using Loctite in this situation would only be a quick fix and a temporary solution.
If there is a real need to lock the thread, eg; your bolts are working loose, then the threads may be worn, have been cross threaded or even the bolt slightly the wrong size.
Using Loctite in this situation would only be a quick fix and a temporary solution
Simple rule of thumb, don't use anything with 'Loctite' on the tube/tin if you want to undo a bolt ever again without any bother.
tdr1nka said:FWIW I simply said that you don't exactly need thread lock and it can be a b*gg*r to free off. How exactly is that misinformation?
rustychisel said:I'll jump in. By and large, Loctite is the first resort of the lazy mechanic. Even with modern materials it's largely un-needed.
Proto said:Yet now you say it's applicable in some situations.![]()
tdr1nka said:I was trying to say all this in a lighthearted manner as is my usual mode, you appear to have got in a snit, which is of course entirely your choice, but then you openly rubbish my humble but equally valid opinion in preference to your own. Not exactly friendly, is it?
but I used Copaslip anywayBefore you assemble the cranks on the bottom bracket axle, degrease the axle and crankset square heads thoroughly.
NEVER (their capitals and bold) lubricate the bolts before tightening them.