Well, 4th week in and on the trainer daily. Sticking on 4 miles this week but time has come down to a smidgen over 12 minutes. Aiming for consistent sub 11:30s and then I'll add another 0.1 miles each day until 5 miles and then try to improve times again. Eventual goal is for 10 miles in 30 minutes.
Weight coming down a little too, along with semi- fasting 2 days each week (I'll not mention the Christmas hiccup). Now down from a peak of 107.1 kg to 102.3 kg (6'4") over 3 months. Knees certainly don't feel any worse ( though still ache a bit on the bike) - if anything perhaps a little better.
Pulse rate on the bike levels out in the 130s with an occasional 140+ for the odd few seconds sprint.
Still struggle with calibrating the trainer, although I've left it alone the last week. Leaving a patch of tiny rubber particles behind the rear wheel but if I reduce the tension it gets too easy. The handlebar friction adjuster is pretty hopeless - 10 settings seem to equate to 2 ! And perhaps my rear wheel is out of true as at low speeds things get jerky ( pedals almost fall on the downstroke). Perhaps I never noticed small circumference irregularities on the road.
I don't have experience with your turbo but most need the flywheel to be brought up to the wheel upon initial set up. A quick google for yours says that there should be a black knob underneath the blue lever. You turn this anti-clockwise to raise the flywheel. This should stop the slip you are experiencing and reduce tyre wear - assuming the tyre you are using is, at the very least, slick or a turbo trainer tyre. Any tread will get chewed up fast.
Adjust the black knob until a good connection is established and then tweak from there. Once happy with this then you can use the resistance on the handlebars.
Once you get this sorted then you will get a better idea as to how the sessions feel. Try easing into it and don't over do the stress on your knees. You previously mentioned noticeable pain in your knee/s. Try keeping the cadence a bit higher and the resistance a bit lower, or a lower gear. Pushing to big a gear, too early on or without warm up, can lead to injury.
Best of luck with it.