First use of turbo trainer

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Über Member
Got the turbo trainer out for the first time yesterday cause of the torrential rain. I've never sweated so much!

Managed 45 mins and I was done in, felt like I'd done double, I can put it down to constantly peddling and having no free wheeling breaks like when on a normal ride.

I had a standing fan on me to keep me cool but I was still dripping!

Is it better to do shorter time but intervals of higher intensity riding, or cycle for longer time periods to aid endurance?
Use the turbo for interval training, most effective and you'll probably die of bordem if you try to mimic long rides on it.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
I do both on my turbo.

if longer sessions i watch episodes of something on DVD it helps build enduarnce. Mix it up, change hand positions and standing up once in a while. i also do HIIT, High intensity interval training, sessions using spinerval dvd great inspiration and thoughts for other sessions.

it is thought to be worth about twice the time on the road. always hydrate too.

it ,after all, depends what you are working toward.


Über Member
I want to build leg strength for climbing so I suppose high intensity interval training is better. What are the DVDs like then? How does it work do you get told what gear to be in for how long or are they for specific turbo trainers telling you what setting to have it set to as you go through?

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
my turbo has a resistance adjustment too.
Yh the DVD talks you through the session, some find it hard to listen to the american accent, but heyho!

yup they go through warm ups, pyramid sessions usual 5 or 6 sets per 50-60 miute DVD. there are some you can download from the www too, audio files.

for climbing sometimes i will place my turbo on the hardest resistance and highest gears and sit and spin away for 20 mins have a couple off minutes and then repeat


Über Member
Mine is a tacx swing, it's got 10 resistance levels, on the hardest it takes quite a lot of strength to turn it. I've seen some DVDs today for it of stages from the tour but they price from 25 - 30 quid. I think I'll just start doing intervals on higher resistance levels and see how I get on.


Banned member
South West
yes, these DVDs are insanly expensive - I guess part of that is becasue they are only selling small quantities in comparison to hollywood blockbusters, however, they still seem very expensive if you consider what you actaully get for the money.

Anyone have one going cheap or want to borrow me one to see how I get on with it?

I'm sure it's the sort of thing you can do 2-3 times and then repeat without actually needing to watch the DVD

I sweat like crazy too and never got round to buying a fan - I do feel 'clensed' after swaeting that much and enjoy drinking a few pints of water afterwards - makes me feel healthy even if it's all in my head.


Über Member
i bought a turbo trainer last year for winter adn i love it yes it is boring, but i wear a piece of headphones and put on spinervals and sweat my heart

this is where i got my DVD's from a great place to get them lol

Bill Gates

West Sussex
Wrong time of the year for high intensity intervals unless you're building up to reach a peak or maintaining a peak for racing purposes. Worth checking out periodisation of training through the year.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
I dont have a turbo but use a high end exercise bike . Reason is that me the wife and eldest son also use it and I dont want them on my pride and joy :rolleyes:

I normally do about hal;f an hour sessions starting off slow and gentle then using the odometer to do high speed half miles fopllowed by hard resistance half mile simulated hill climb then a bit of easy riding etc etc. After half an hour I have covered 11 or 12 simulated miles ,burned off about 300 calories and sweated 10 times more than I would on a 30 min. bike ride.

I occupy my brain by watching documentaries on BBC i player.
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