First unplanned dismount!!

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Formerly EbonyWillow
Well this morning I have had my first unplanned dismount. I also learnt how invisible ice can be and that tyres can go as fast sideways as forwards!! Thankfully was just setting off so hadn't built up much speed...on the downside I set off on a steep downhill so wasn't going slow either!! And yes there were witnessess!! Oh dented pride and bruised hip lol


Legendary Member
Sorry to hear that. This is precisely why I am not keen on risking going out when it is icy at all. Bruised hip could so easily turn into a broken hip, especially the older you get.


Legendary Member
Rub the plastic hood down with progressively finer grades of sandpaper then wet and dry until the scuffs have gone then spray on a coat of clear lacquer and hey presto! Hood restored to new!

Pedal pusher

Rub the plastic hood down with progressively finer grades of sandpaper then wet and dry until the scuffs have gone then spray on a coat of clear lacquer and hey presto! Hood restored to new!
Nice one I'll remember that.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Ooh thanks. Will do. Any cure for bruised achy hips lol
Ouch, I've come off twice now, but only on a grass and then gravel . Luckily there wasn't anyone around :smile: I also had a bruised hip and plenty of ice on it.
I spoke to a chap on the canal path who warned me about how slippery it was there. He said he fell in!! :laugh: It was deeper than he thought and had to fish his bike out with help!!
I count myself lucky after hearing that


Formerly EbonyWillow
I came off just short of a ropey junction on a bend that people tend to fly round so am thankful I didn't end up out of the junction!! As hubby pointed out...I got off lightly!!

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Sorry to hear about your off, Ebony :hugs:
I know how sore it can be, as I fell on ice last year, sore hip for a couple of days!
Ride carefully!
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