First TT in 34yrs, any advice ?

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
That link gives me a 404 error!

The link was working before and it's via Calder Clarion's FB page. Try this:


Über Member
Just ride fixed wheel - it's the fastest way to travel! Think of it this way..... If you're going to do a pb the weather needs to be good )ie VERY little wind. It's just a case of riding the correct gear on the day. My suggestion .. work out what speed you need to do to get the pb and from that what gear inches are needed at 90rpm. Job done.


Just ride fixed wheel - it's the fastest way to travel! Think of it this way..... If you're going to do a pb the weather needs to be good )ie VERY little wind. It's just a case of riding the correct gear on the day. My suggestion .. work out what speed you need to do to get the pb and from that what gear inches are needed at 90rpm. Job done.

Very much my thinking. One season, I had two bikes, very similar, but one fixed and one gears. Rode our evening tens throughout the summer. Sometimes fixed, sometimes on gears. By the end of the year, it was only 20 seconds that separated the two bikes.

And back in the 90's, there was a time when comp records at 10 and 25 were all on fixed, when the likes of Obree and Boardman were active.
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