First time on turbo

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Adam Harris

Hi guys

Just brought a turbo and set it up and had a quick 20 minutes.
All I can say is it was a good experience but wow, how different is it? My thighs were starting to feel the burn a lot quicker. Couldn't believe how much sweat was generated even in 20 minutes with the back door open to allow the breeze to enter.

Any advice and tips from some more experienced riders?



Buy a big fan and find some structured program rides.

Or get some training video's like the sufferfest:


Well-Known Member
Agree with jdtate re: the big fan. An essential bit of kit. Handy also to have a towel close by to wipe your sweaty brow.

I wear only shorts and shoes. Wearing a top would be too much no matter how freezing cold it initially feels.


Fixed wheel fanatic.
Well, 'they' do say that because there is no easy down hill on a turbo! But not all turbos are equal. I'm borrowing a friends turbo at the moment and its a lot harder work than mine.
My cadence and general road speed has increased over the last few years, whether this is down to the turbo or just because I push myself I don't know. I do know that I can get a much harder (better?) workout in an hour on the turbo than I can on the road, comparing my heart rate monitor results. I couldn't keep the fitness over the winter without my turbo.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Wiping away sweat is a poor idea because leaving it to evaporate cools you down.

Wiping won't do you any harm on a turbo training ride, but it will make you feel hotter.

I mention harm because in extreme conditions - lost in a desert - wiping away sweat will hasten your demise from dehydration.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
But on a turbo I have lots of water at hand plus I don't want the sweat dripping everywhere.

That's fine, but drinking water won't cool you in the same way as letting the sweat evaporate.

Evaporation is why riders often feel cold and shivery when they stop after a ride.


Legendary Member
I usually avoid drinking during a 1 hour turbo session, to get used to riding without water for that period.

Not suggesting that is necessarily a good idea :wacko:


Senior Member
I just wear a base layer and trakky bottoms, i don't use a fan and have a towel over the handlebars to catch the sweat, and still have a pool on the floor either side of the handlebars, with no drink, and looking out of the kitchen window, i did a little experiment and weighed the top dry and then wet, it weighted and extra 750 grammes and didn't include what dripped off me on to the towel, so there was probably in excess of a kilo in sweat, its like being in a sauna, i usually run for 50 mins to an hour depends on if my knees hold out.


Formerly known as stevieP
i have just recently bought a turbo trainer,agree with you adam about your thighs i was also feeling it quite early and sweating loads but am a big guy so i do anyway.must admit i can only do about 30 mins and then i am spent but as my fitness improves am hoping i will be able to go for longer
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