First Ride this year while it's warm!

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Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Snuck my bike in the car for in a ride in Scotland whilst up here visiting. Cycled through rain, wind, sleet and hills yesterday. Need to get some WATERPROOF overshoes as my feet and hands were like very soggy slush puppy! I had toe thingies on but they didn't help either, so cold and wet shoes, 2 pairs of socks and tootsies. Shopping time :-) :-)
(And with lovely hubby's permission!)


Legendary Member
Snuck my bike in the car for in a ride in Scotland whilst up here visiting. Cycled through rain, wind, sleet and hills yesterday.
Yes, it was :sun: last week, now :cold:has returned.:sad:

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Cleaned off my bike, oiled the chain, and put it away. Hoping to get out again tomorrow, but all my layers have been through the washing machine this evening as soon as I got home. If its this cold in the morning I'll be using wet clothes as an excuse! :smile:
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