Okay I climbed the hill today

It took me around 7 minutes (The record is 4:30, so I've got a long way to go!), and I actually had to use the granny ring, which I knew was a bad sign! I went to fast and too hard at the start, and as soon as the hill steepened, I had nothing left, but I kept going until I finished
The photo they took is from quite far off, and I must have blinked at the exact time they took it, because it looked like I had a stroke

(I probably nearly did!)
I knew as soon as I had to drop into the granny ring that I had started too hard

I also didn't eat enough, and Needed to stop on the return trip to eat a few cereal bars, which got me back after
It was another hard day of cycling, but I enjoyed it because it pushed me! (No Pain No Gain!)
Oh and 7% my ass.