First big accident

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spindrift said:
it's clear to me that you're rothbook, so I believe nothing you say.

Guffaw. I can tell you for a fact he's not Rothbook, cos I am!

please don't tell me bonj is even slightly serious?


New Member
When the bruises appear you'll have, altogether now:

Red and Yellow and Pink and Green,

Try to stay together!

Orange and Purple and Blue!

Tynan's bum's a rainbow, bum's a rainbow, bum's a rainbow tooooo!!


New Member
Bexley, Kent
bonj said:
it's clear to me that you're rothbook, so I believe nothing you say.
If 'you' really have had an accident, why is one of the first things on your mind boasting about it and trying to prove it on a forum? You must be anxious for approval.

For real?????


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
Twenty Inch said:
Sorry, shot from the lip, didn't mean to sound harsh. Peds are creatures of low collective intelligence, prone to doing unpredictable and stupid things. Phones and iPods should have a Darwin effect but the full effects don't seem to be working through the general population yet. You're right, even with the best, most defensive cycling, they'll get in your way. I used to cycle with a whistle, but I hear great things about AirZounds.
My thoughts exactly, I used mine this morning to warn a WVM that I was behind him as he tried to reverse off a junction he had pulled too far forward onto. They really do work! Shouting is pretty effective too.


BentMikey said:
Just add bonj to your ignore list. I have, so I'm only forced to read his posts when others quote him.

or when you see the little placeholder that appears instead of my posts and become curious and click on link to expand it.


spindrift said:
it's clear to me that you're rothbook, so I believe nothing you say.

Guffaw. I can tell you for a fact he's not Rothbook, cos I am!

You nasty, offensive little squirty coward banjo.

Log everything Tynan like Patrick says, I forget the phrase but is it "consequential loss"?

In other words claim for attendant expenses- cabs, those photos, time off work, loss of amenities etc etc etc.
so you are aswell - why do you think I'm going to be fooled into thinking spindrift and Tynan are mutually exclusive?


New Member
They really do work! Shouting is pretty effective too.

I've seen (and heard) a couple of riders with those new electronic horns lately, kind of a shiny metal box with 3 different alarm sounds I think.


stuck it in the hands of the legal service at CTC

and searching for the usb cable for the lady wife's phone to download the various pictures of bits of me with scrapes, bruises and blood

thr arm in particular pre cleaning up is straight out of a zombie film


thanks for that regulator, seeing the doctor on Friday for just that sort of chat

coppers say I'll get details in 2-3 weeks, hopefully they'll have got details from the horde of eager witnesses, there was a cyclist there who was jabbering away enthusiastically about how high and far I'd somersaulted over the car

word from the LBS is that the bike is trashed, forks pushed back and the frame 10mm out of true at the back, as I expected really after being ridden in the side of one them awful truck things at 20 something mph, saving the pedals and rack and that's about it I think

£560 and four months old tops, and going like an express to the end xx(

bike shop have already managed to wangle the next one up the range for me bless them

might go for something more roady this time unless they manage to talk me out of it again

public transport and perhaps then the scooter for a while, starting evening classes next Tuesday for three nights a week for extra fun

sad because after a three week break for a crocked knee I was really starting to enjoy it again

ah well


I'll certainly go for it

it's so annoying, I hate HATE my public transport commute to work and now I'm looking at a few weeks of that and then having to use the scooter

and finally start cycling again, unfit again, in the middle of winter with my brand new bib longs and long sleeved top gathering dust

ooh, coppers told me that I'd broken either the window or the screen on the Freelander, I dread to think with what, suppose the bike might have bounced upwards, suppect that's what defected me over to the curb, I figured I must have swerved to the left in the last split second


Active Member
that london
Blimey Tynan, sounds nasty. Drinking arm, yes? Make sure the bugger pays for the loss of enjoyment of your Wham season ticket too.

Saw a similar but much more sedate accident on the way to work yesterday, little red car turned right in into the path of a chap just in front of me on Penton Street in Islington - he also did his arm in. No somersault though, just crumpled into the ground. Handily, there was copper a couple of cars back who saw what happened. Hopefully the bloke's OK.

Glad you're still more or less in one piece.


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