first 100 miler

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Senior Member
I tried a metric ton (about 63 miles) almost a year ago and found it quite hard. I think i set off a bit too fast so be wary of doing that. It would have been much easier in a group of friends riding at a steady pace? I guess the mp3 player can help a little to 'keep you company'.

I did eat quite a bit on the journey - many of the items mentioned previously.


Golden rule - keep a steady pace rather than pushing it.

I never take any more repair kit than I would for a 25km ride when riding a 100 miler.

Foodwise - it can be difficult to digest food if you are not used to eating when cycling longer distances, so maybe consider breaking the ride into shorter sections and plan to stop for something to eat. Nothing too much, but sufficient enough for fuel.

I never take "sports drinks" as I find it upsets my stomach and just stick to water.

Enjoy it.

(edit - bananas. They are good. I always have one just before setting off, then another after about 20-25 miles. Easy on the stomach too.)
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