Finding motivation...HELP!

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Devotee of OCD
I'm on a 'health kick', and do the vast majority of my rides / walks / running early am.

I start work at 7.30am, so have been up every morning at approx 4.45am for the past 3-4 months so i can get ready; get out for an hour or so; get changed and get to work on time. Its become such a regime that i do the same weekends too.

The other benefit of this - being on a 'healthy diet' - is doing all the work early and knowing how much effort i've put in to do that, means i'm less likely to eat anything silly the rest of the day. The exercise is kind of like my 'banker' that i protect during the day.

Because the opposite would be being tempted to; or actually eating shoot during the day, thinking you'd pedal a bit harder or do a few more miles in the evening after work. Which likely wouldn't actually happen.................



As long as I breathe, I attack.
Is there any chance you can cycle commute?
Out the door at 5.45 am on day shift , its doable and then an 11 hour shift + return trip.


Pro sandbagger
South Derbyshire
You could hire me as your personal trainer. I am out every day around 5am. Lol.

It does just become habit once you get used to it. Set your gear out ready, jump out of bed and get dressed, quick coffee and off you go.

5 in the morning is a great time to be out on the bike especially at this time of year as it is light and the roads are very quiet.

It`s never "dawned" (pun not intended :whistle:) on me to do this. I usually get up at 07:00 and set out for work at 08.30 for my 09:00 start.

I`m going to give this "early bird" idea a whirl tomorrow, but i`m not sure if it`ll be on the road bike or the MTB.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
If you really want to get up, put the alarm close enough to hear but out of arm's reach so you can't just hit snooze and roll over.

The problem with early starts is that I like breakfast too much and cafes aren't open and I like much of what I do all day and see now look at what time it is again and I'm not finished yet :smile:


Active Member
Thanks guys - I think I might just need to get a grip and get up at 5 and get out, im sure it will be lovely once im used to it.

I do have a turbo, but find it the most tedious thing in the world!

Right,...5am starts next week! Wish me luck!

Set more than one alarm, place the alarm clock or mobile device away from the bed so you have to get out to turn it off.

Also don't be one of those..... I'll start it on monday guys, what's up with tomorrow? procrastination and motivation for me are separate entities


What motivation do you need not to become a fat lazy unfit person.

7 or 5 they are both numbers, get that in your head and getting up at either one is easy. Get up 2 hours earlier each day gives you an extra days life every 12 days.


Thanks for all the tips guys - I like the idea of setting an alarm and leave it across the room, half of my problem is getting out of bed, once im up, im up!

Im away all weekend, so unfortunately its going to have to wait until Monday, but I will set me alarm, and let you all know how it goes.



An Peanut
Morning Guys!

Well Monday has come around, and true to my word, I set a 5.15am alarm, was out the house for 5.30am, and must admit it was thoroughly enjoyable ride.

Good weather, quiet roads, and a nice way of waking up. Now I have the happy feeling that my exercise for the day is complete!

Good on you - plenty of hours of daylight left after work though :smile:


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Even if you don't particulalry feel like getting on the bike, after a couple of miles, and the blood starts to flow, you start to feel better.
And sometimes you just have to play psycholgical games with yourself. My alarm goes off at 4.55, but it is easier to think of getting dressed at 5.00.


Formerly Errecaldia
I cycle-commuted many years ago, over Sheffield hills and moors, and once I'd got used to the hills, the early morning ride in became the best part of my day. I left that job, and over the next ten years, hardly cycled at all, and lost the fitness and vivacity that I had valued. Then I went to live in Nice, and there the long prom is full of cyclists, skaters, runners, the coastal strip is interesting, and accessible. I got a bike, I joined a local pleasure cycling group and cycled a couple of times a week, 40 clicks or so.

Then someone I cared for died, we'd had good times hiking in the Alps, and I found myself manically pushing into the Alps on my bike in some kind of grieving process, in no time flat doing 80km and 2000m climbs. I got fit, and loved the cycling.

Then I met my soon husband-to-be, moved to the foothills of the Pyrenees, and ran into an unexpected motivation problem. Running a B+B, I don't have time for the all-day, forget-the-time rides I had been doing, I'm no longer free to push myself into the red and suffer the depression and irritability which follows over-training, as I need to be civilised (!). The hills and mountains here are lovely, the weather is great, my bike is great, I'm fit but want to be a lot fitter. And I find myself stuck at 30 to 40km, sub-1000m climb, and way too easily put off by cold, heat or wet. I don't seem able to progress.
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