Thanks for that. Just a different way of approaching PM's to other forums I frequent.
We really don't like spam ...

Thanks for that. Just a different way of approaching PM's to other forums I frequent.
Hello Mad Doug,Sorry to hear your loss.
Can I ask a cheeky question, is there anything from Humber? I don't mean the post 1932 bikes when Raleigh took over the company, I mean anything from about 1900 -'32, or is that too early??
I have one that I still need to restore you see. Its 85% complete, but trying to find those last few genuine bits and pieces... Well, you get the jist. Thanks.
Hello Owd Fella,Hi Tom, to echo the above I'm sorry to hear about your Father. I may be able to assist you as I am a member of the Bygone Bykes (Yorkshire) Club who, despite the Yorkshire tag, have members throughout the UK (and abroad!). We specialise in anything old and pedal powered (including Hobbyhorses) and have an extensive library. Depending on where you are I'm sure that a visit could be arranged to view what you have and offer some advice.
You could also try selling parts and spares at Cycle Jumbles where, even if the return may not excessive, they will at least go to appreciative homes.
Please send me a PM if you are interested.
Ah yes, they're called "personal conversations" and another member started one with me, though I'm not sure how to start one myself. By all means send me a personal message if you can figure out how to do it!Yes, dealers do 'prowl' but you learn to reconise them and make them pay a sensible price. The mark-up they make is often a lot less than the amount you've made and at least you don't have to take the stuff home again! If you're happy with the price then it's OK.
A PM is a 'Private Message' sent from member to member only. It appears that they're not called 'PM's' here but it's something to do with the 'Inbox' system at the top of the page. I'm sure Shaun will explain if necessary.
Hello Mad Doug,
I haven't got as far as listing what my dad's got yet. Am going back to his house soon to do that; will let you know what I find. But I think we're more likely to find a vintage Huber catalogue than any parts. We'll see!
Ah yes, they're called "personal conversations" and another member started one with me, though I'm not sure how to start one myself.