Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
- Location
- On the edge of reality
Brother of ^^^^^^
Lord Fish Weetabix of Amazon
Lord Fish Weetabix of Amazon
Indeed, anyone sensible doesn't use their real pet name. Lord Love Rocket is my actual password however.Lord Security Question Answer of Location Identifying Information.
I’m not great with a pistol. I’m happy to defer and become Lord Ugo Banana of Screwfix.Let's settle this dispute between gentlemen in the old fashioned way....
Damn, I see that estate is also taken. I wonder if there may be a more egalitarian way of divvying up the wealth.Screwfix
If you swear an oath of feaulty to me I could be persuaded to let you reside in a very picaresque dairy products cold display.Damn, I see that estate is also taken. I wonder if there may be a more egalitarian way of divvying up the wealth.
Don't sweat it, Co-op always has BOGOFs on.We can’t both be Lord of the Co-op. Would you consider becoming Lady James?