Films that are rated and when you eventually

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New Member
The Maltese Falcon
Touch of Evil (after the first tracking shot)

Mr Pig

New Member
domtyler said:
Titanic and Pearl Harbour

Oh totally agree. Hated both of them. The technical recreation of the ship sinking in Titanic was the only part of the film that was any good at all.

Also thought The Dark Knight was massively overrated, it's just another predictable, silly action film.

But how can you not love Apocalypse Now?


I watched the 1959 version of The 39 Steps (the one with Kenneth Moore). Maybe one of the other versions is better, but I thought this one was rubbish.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
Maz said:
I watched the 1959 version of The 39 Steps (the one with Kenneth Moore). Maybe one of the other versions is better, but I thought this one was rubbish.

I love the Robert Powell version where he's trying to outdo Harold Lloyd's famous hanging onna giant clock face scene.


Resting in suspended Animation
Not crap but Bridge to Terabithia. The way people carry on about this you'd think it was some ultra modern classic. It was quite good but certainly not everyone's cup of tea and vastly overhyped.

The Beach. Good, light enjoyable book. The crappest book to film conversion in history and one of the worst films of all time too. Extremely poor casting of the three main characters and took all the fun out of the book.

Serenity. Overhyped, unimaginative crap.


Tetedelacourse said:
The Maltese Falcon
Touch of Evil (after the first tracking shot)

The last one is truly ordinary, but then I don't think anyone rates it, do they?

The first are three of my favourite films and are also classy pieces of work.

Greedo - we can have civilized, intelligent discussions without it just being 'I like this, I don't like that...' I was just reminding people that there's no point in trying to 'disagree' with someone's opinion of their enjoyment, but you can dispute their judgement of quality. It's not complicated. Which is why I asked if you were mental! (with a :tongue: )...


back and brave
One film stands out head and shoulders for me in this category...

Good Will Hunting

...offensively trite and puerile.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Silence of the Lambs.

Bored me rigid. And didn't scare me at all. All those tales of Americans having to be removed from cinemas after fainting through fear.. pah. Obviously made-up by the studio publicity department.


The only films that people say they like that I think are utterly worthless are ones that are patronising, crass and to use a word already mentioned, trite. You know the ones that pretend to have some kind of folk wisdom but are actually rather unpleasant at heart.

These include things like: Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, and probably Good Will Hunting (it sounds like it's one of them, but I haven't had the misfortune of seeing it).

I also dislike films that are emotionally manipulative without any real emotional depth - recently: 21 Grams and Babel. Oh yeah and also films that replace genuine emotion with SHOUTING, and PORTENTIOUS MUSIC and trying to make everything seem REALLY IMPORTANT: this covers a whole range of things from Mystic River to Lord of the Rings. The real definition of pretension: claiming profundity but being utterly superficial.


Kirstie said:
Born on the fourth of july.


But at least I sat through it for more than 20 minutes which is more than can be said for most films I attempt to watch.

Agreed - but I thought you'd become quite the film buff recently?

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
i watch films i enjoy and dont watch films again if i dont enjoy them i avoid critics but tend to go by genre and actors i like. if experimenting with a movie/actor i watch them on tele first.
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