The only films that people say they like that I think are utterly worthless are ones that are patronising, crass and to use a word already mentioned, trite. You know the ones that pretend to have some kind of folk wisdom but are actually rather unpleasant at heart.
These include things like: Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, and probably Good Will Hunting (it sounds like it's one of them, but I haven't had the misfortune of seeing it).
I also dislike films that are emotionally manipulative without any real emotional depth - recently: 21 Grams and Babel. Oh yeah and also films that replace genuine emotion with SHOUTING, and PORTENTIOUS MUSIC and trying to make everything seem REALLY IMPORTANT: this covers a whole range of things from Mystic River to Lord of the Rings. The real definition of pretension: claiming profundity but being utterly superficial.