How many here film their rides, specifically road cycling because of close passes etc by motorists? I've been doing this for last few years as just got so fed up with nearly being taken out by idiots.
My hope is in time if enough do it, motorists will get message that endangering vunerable road users has consequences. Plus I cannot deny getting a bit of justice for someone who nearly wiped me out is good!.
I report rides through Operation Snap and I have to give them credit they take it seriously and 99% of my reports I've sent in have been actioned and in several cases gone to court resulting in big fines and points on licence.
I'm not a "Cycling Mikey" type, I never go looking for incidents etc to report, just any cars etc which overtake me far too close.
My hope is in time if enough do it, motorists will get message that endangering vunerable road users has consequences. Plus I cannot deny getting a bit of justice for someone who nearly wiped me out is good!.
I report rides through Operation Snap and I have to give them credit they take it seriously and 99% of my reports I've sent in have been actioned and in several cases gone to court resulting in big fines and points on licence.
I'm not a "Cycling Mikey" type, I never go looking for incidents etc to report, just any cars etc which overtake me far too close.