Age, fitness, traffic conditions, traffic lights, hybrid vs roadbike, all come into play. 16 mph average isn't going to happen for me if i'm continually confronted with junctions and TLs. My commutes pretty straightforward and uncluttered, so i'm lucky
All that stuff can make a huge difference. On the bikes alone, I posted last week that I was disappointed with my average (11mph) and max (17mph) after an off-road ride so jumped straight onto the road bike after already being out for an hour and moved to an average of 16 and a max of close to 30.
I used to commute along the Thames, 9 miles each way and I'd take around 30-35 minutes, depending on whether I was going in (uphill) or coming home. Now, I commute across the top of a local hill, nothing huge but it's added a couple of hundred feet of climb to my journey and it takes about 5 minutes longer.
Traffic lights can add 30 seconds if you catch them wrong, so a few sets can make a big difference to the times. The ride into Windsor is only 4 miles for me but the half-dozen sets of lights in the last mile make a difference, not just to the time but also because stopping and starting is (obviously) harder work.
etc etc
As gbb says, really, just with some personal examples.