Haha I’m on about 3 cool towers must have done chimneysIt was blown up at 09:45
Haha I’m on about 3 cool towers must have done chimneysIt was blown up at 09:45
Went there on a geography field trip in late 70s
I love exploding stuff!
And now it has mysteriously collapsed.Went there on a geography field trip in late 70s.
And now it has mysteriously collapsed.
Coincidence? I think not!
As it flew past, I thought I heard The Dambusters tuneBloody hell, that bird is *massive*!
Is there an invasion of alien birds destroying our infrastructure? The TrUtH must be told!!
A lot of the foam is dead things believe it or not, sea or river life primarily made of protein which foams when broken down and aerated. Yet it would surprise you how much life thrives around water outlets, inlet water screens are cleaned routinely and are routinely rancidThat was always one of the landmarks we looked out for on the family's trips up North to see my grandparents in Redcar. I had a sort of disgusted fascination with the glimpse we used to get from the M1 at the scum/foam packed river leading from the power station under the motorway.
Isn't it because outlet water contains residual heat which attracts all kinds of life? Algae, bacteria, Man Utd fans?A lot of the foam is dead things believe it or not, sea or river life primarily made of protein which foams when broken down and aerated. Yet it would surprise you how much life thrives around water outlets, inlet water screens are cleaned routinely and are routinely rancid
Yeah it would be moderately warm around an outletIsn't it because outlet water contains residual heat which attracts all kinds of life? Algae, bacteria, Man Utd fans?