Feeling My Age

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I was a fanatical snooker player for decades, but never picked up a cue for twenty three years since moving to Pembrokeshire as there isn't a club within miles. My neighbour had a full size table installed in his garage yesterday so out came the old cue and over I went.

Problem one. Wearing varifocals I could barely see the end of the table and had to resort to removing the glasses and covering my weaker eye before I could focus properly. Should be solved when I return to single vision after next months eye test.

Problem two. I can no longer adopt the classic snooker stance because when I flatten my back my aging neck can't lift enough to sight along the cue, so I have to assume the rookie stance of playing with both legs bent.

Problem three. Getting my leg over the table to reach awkward shots now risks a serious injury, so I have to use the rest a lot more.

So it isn't only physical sports where age effects ability, but even the more genteel forms of excercise. Loved every minute of it though and was delighted with my four ball break of 14, and even managed a few decent screw shots. Can't wait to get back there again and I have casually mentioned to the boss that with a bit of rearranging an American pool table would fit in our garage. Raised eyebrows so far, but not a flat no so hope springs eternal.

It's the little things in life that put a spring in one's step.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Nice post!

Nothing prepares you for the full range of changes that old-age brings with it. 🤷‍♂️

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Problems #2 and #3 might be resolved through a gentle stretching routine. I'm not a snooker player, just a cyclist. I've regained a lot of movement in my neck through a twice daily stretching routine and maintained my leg movements this way.

Bizarrely, after my road traffic accident in 2018 that resulted in me having a broken neck, I possibly ended up with the most flexibility in my neck/shoulders that I've ever had. My self imposed exercises after recovery did me a world of good, but I have slipped back into my old ways after a few years and now am no better/worse than I was prior to the two fractured vertebrae.....
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