Arch. Much as I admire you, there are times when you get just a little nineteenth century on us. Dislike can be a positive thing. A form of recreation. And don't even think of excusing it. Liking and disliking aren't some kind of moral choice - they are, in the finest minds, the exercise of discrimination between the likeable and the unlikeable. If you, Arch, do not like somebody (and it may be me...) then they probably don't deserve to be liked. In fact, Arch, it would be an honour to be disliked by you. Almost as great an honour as being liked by you. Appearing, however briefly, in the panorama of your considerations can, surely, only be exceeded in in the recognition stakes by appearing in the New Year's Honours List. And think of all the scumbags who've made it there.
Give it a go Arch. Sneer sardonically when when you hear the name of the one you dislike. Spit on their photograph, should it appear in the public prints. And, as for their good fortune - hey, what goes around comes around. Karma. You may not realise it, but that promotion/proposal of marriage/lottery win is the worst thing that ever happened to them. The promotion is a bed of nails. Their intended is a psycho. The lottery win is a prelude to a heart attack.
Now - my evil laugh lessons are available on-line....